Are there any places to get breakfast right on the beach in Carlsbad, CA?
2006-05-28 09:11:52 UTC
I've heard there is some place you can eat that is right on the beach in Carlsbad, CA. This is described as being barely above the high water line. What is it called?
Six answers:
2006-06-04 02:06:21 UTC
mickey d's fine dinner
2006-05-28 10:32:52 UTC
I didn't think Carlsbad was all that close to the ocean. There is an amazing place in Solana Beach called Pipes. They have really good breakfast burritos that weigh like five pounds each and it's really close to the ocean.
2006-06-02 22:50:02 UTC
gosh, i know what you are talking about, its across the street from dini's....on coast hwy/carlsbad boulevard..thats gotta be it :)
2006-05-28 12:11:10 UTC
OH YES.. but.. I cannot think of the name of it.. I am really sorry because it is GREAT and it takes a lot for me to say that
yongjin j
2006-06-04 07:13:41 UTC
there r a lot of places but i dont think they serve breakfast

they serve dinner
2006-05-28 09:14:02 UTC
Too good to be true.

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