Would you ever tell a spider monkey to shut the fook up? I mean if he was being rude?
2006-04-30 01:44:44 UTC
So you are having a nice dinner with your date at a very fancy resteront. Calmly enjoying your steak and discussing politics a spider monkey lands in the middle of your plate knocking food everywhere. Then the spider monkey, in total un-coothness starts to wave his little fist and speak in mandarin chinese very loudly. Your date, who is now covered in your dinner looks at you with a look that is most certainly daring you to deal with the situation or they are going to have a fit.

What do you do? What-do-you-do?
Five answers:
2006-05-02 19:15:01 UTC
I might ditch the date and go out with the spider monkey.
2006-05-01 10:48:50 UTC
I think I'd want to have my food and drink checked for hallucinogens.
2006-04-30 02:10:23 UTC
How often does this happen to you and what kind of restaurants do you go to?
2006-05-06 14:35:43 UTC
Why, does it happen to you all the time?
2006-05-02 20:30:52 UTC
wow scary if it was me i would freak out!!!

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